

All the different types of employment contracts in Italy

All the different types of employment contracts in Italy

When making the decision to go live and work in Italy, it is important to know the regulations in place regarding the employment contract. Although Italian labor law is similar to that of other European countries, Italian law differs in some respects, even more since the recent changes to the Italian Labor Code. There are currently 7 different work contracts in Italy, each with its modalities and particularities which are fixed by national collective agreements (contratti collectivi nazionali di lavoro, CCNL). A work contract can be oral or written, but Lisbob obviously advises to do everything to have a written contract. What are the characteristics of employment contracts in Italian law? What are the different job contracts in Italy? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Italy, tells you all about Italian labor law in matters of contract.

Complete list of Italian villages offering houses at 1 euro

Complete list of Italian villages offering houses at 1 euro

For several years, Italy has implemented a mechanism to acquire property for 1 euro. Yes, 1 euro symbolic to buy a house. Obviously, the property in question is not in perfect condition and certain obligations are associated with the purchase of a house for € 1, such as the renovation of the property. Created with the aim of renovating and revitalizing Italian villages, the € 1 house program works very well and has been extended to several municipalities. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, reveals the complete list of Italian villages offering 1 euro houses in 2020.

How to get a Codice Fiscale in Italy ? Complete guide for obtaining an Italian tax number

How to get a Codice Fiscale in Italy ? Complete guide for obtaining an Italian tax number

When one decides to go live in Italy, there are some steps that are essential. Obtaining an Italian tax number, called Codice Fiscale, is one of them. This is a number that is assigned to every person living in Italy, expatriate or not, and allows the Italian tax authorities to identify any Italian or foreign citizen. This Italian Tax Code allows, among other things, to work, open a bank account or buy a house in Italy: it is therefore a vital step for any expat living in Italy. This unique and personal combination of numbers and letters can sometimes become complicated to obtain if one does not prepare for administrative procedures. What is an Italian codice fiscale and what is it for ? How to get a tax number in Italy ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Italy, tells you all about the Italian Codice Fiscale.