
expats in Italy

How to apply for and obtain the SPID in Italy

How to apply for and obtain the SPID in Italy

Italy is a country that has a reputation for lagging behind in modernizing and simplifying its bureaucracy. Slow, complicated, unreliable: feedback from experience makes it normal to be apprehensive about having to deal with it. Nevertheless, for a few years now, the situation has been evolving and there is the SPID, an online identification system that allows certain administrative procedures to be carried out remotely. The Public Digital Identity System (SPID) is becoming more and more widespread and is even mandatory for certain procedures. How do you ask for it and what is it for? I’m Lisbob, your expat assistant, and I’m going to tell you all about how to get your SPID in Italy.

How and why to register a foreign vehicle in Italy in 7 steps ?

How and why to register a foreign vehicle in Italy in 7 steps ?

Registering your car when you decide to move to Italy can sometimes turn into a waste of time and a headache if you are not sufficiently prepared. In order to import and register your vehicle in Italy, you will have to follow certain procedures and provide a list of documents and forms, pay fees and taxes and above all respect the deadlines. In fact, you have 6 months once installed in Italy to proceed to the change of plates of your foreign car. The subject comes up regularly on forums and help sites and the answers are sometimes unclear and often different on how and why to register your car in Italy. Is it compulsory to change your plates for Italian ones? What is the risk of not registering your vehicle on the roads of Italy? How much does it cost to import a car? How to register your car in Italy? I’m going to explain everything about this registration process that can sometimes turn into a real administrative labyrinth.

10 Procedures and administrative formalities to go to live in Italy

10 Procedures and administrative formalities to go to live in Italy

When expatriating to a new country, a certain number of administrative steps must be taken in order to fully settle in and become an expatriate. This is even more true in Italy where different authorities issue different important documents, and where it is sometimes difficult to do the administrative steps in the right order. Procedures to become a resident, tax identification number, pet registration, car registration, there are many compulsory steps for those who want to live in Italy and it is not easy to know how to live in Italy and be in order. Moving to Italy entails a number of obligations towards the various government agencies and it is important to be in order to avoid any worries and to complete all the necessary formalities. Any self-respecting expatriate must take these administrative steps in order to settle down fully. What are the administrative formalities and steps to take to live in Italy? How to be in order and respect the steps to register to live in Italy? I tell you everything about the administrative steps to take when you decide to live in Italy.

Italian public and private health systems

Italian public and private health systems

When expatriating to Italy, it is important to be aware of the rules and customs concerning the Italian public and private health care systems. The Italian public health system is called Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) and it ranks 22nd in Europe, about ten places behind France. Expatriates in Italy will be able to choose between two types of health plans: the public health system, Assicurazione Generale Obbligatoria (AGO), or to complement it with a private health insurance. The quality of treatment and waiting times in the Italian public health system vary greatly from one region to another, which is why many expatriates choose to supplement their health coverage with private insurance. What are the characteristics of the health care systems in Italy? What are the differences between public and private health care systems? Lisbob, your expat assistant in Italy, answers all your questions on how to be treated and how to stay healthy.

All the different types of employment contracts in Italy

All the different types of employment contracts in Italy

When making the decision to go live and work in Italy, it is important to know the regulations in place regarding the employment contract. Although Italian labor law is similar to that of other European countries, Italian law differs in some respects, even more since the recent changes to the Italian Labor Code. There are currently 7 different work contracts in Italy, each with its modalities and particularities which are fixed by national collective agreements (contratti collectivi nazionali di lavoro, CCNL). A work contract can be oral or written, but Lisbob obviously advises to do everything to have a written contract. What are the characteristics of employment contracts in Italian law? What are the different job contracts in Italy? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Italy, tells you all about Italian labor law in matters of contract.

Complete list of Italian villages offering houses at 1 euro

Complete list of Italian villages offering houses at 1 euro

For several years, Italy has implemented a mechanism to acquire property for 1 euro. Yes, 1 euro symbolic to buy a house. Obviously, the property in question is not in perfect condition and certain obligations are associated with the purchase of a house for € 1, such as the renovation of the property. Created with the aim of renovating and revitalizing Italian villages, the € 1 house program works very well and has been extended to several municipalities. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, reveals the complete list of Italian villages offering 1 euro houses in 2020.

How to get a Codice Fiscale in Italy ? Complete guide for obtaining an Italian tax number

How to get a Codice Fiscale in Italy ? Complete guide for obtaining an Italian tax number

When one decides to go live in Italy, there are some steps that are essential. Obtaining an Italian tax number, called Codice Fiscale, is one of them. This is a number that is assigned to every person living in Italy, expatriate or not, and allows the Italian tax authorities to identify any Italian or foreign citizen. This Italian Tax Code allows, among other things, to work, open a bank account or buy a house in Italy: it is therefore a vital step for any expat living in Italy. This unique and personal combination of numbers and letters can sometimes become complicated to obtain if one does not prepare for administrative procedures. What is an Italian codice fiscale and what is it for ? How to get a tax number in Italy ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Italy, tells you all about the Italian Codice Fiscale.