
Visiting Tomar

Visit Tomar in 2020 : how to go, what to do, what to see, where to eat and sleep in the Templars city

Visit Tomar in 2020 : how to go, what to do, what to see, where to eat and sleep in the Templars city

One of the best options to spend a weekend away from Lisbon is surely to visit Tomar. Former seat of the Knights Templar, Tomar is a city that has kept a lot of charm, because of its artistic and cultural richness. Visiting Portugal is also discovering its medium-sized but XXL heritage cities, and Tomar is definitely one of them. If you like time travel then visiting Tomar will be an unforgettable experience for you. Indeed, Tomar is full of places and places rich in history and its heritage has nothing to envy to other Portuguese cities. The best proof is the convent of Christ, one of the most important works of the Renaissance in Portugal. Located 2 hours by train from Lisbon this city is one of the most interesting to visit. There are also lot of activities, like the unforgettable Private Tour from Lisbon to discover the mysteries of the headquarters of Templar Knights. What to visit in Tomar ? How to get there ? What to do in the city of the Templars ? Lisbob, the Expatriates' Assistant in Portugal, introduces you to Tomar, the city of the Knights Templar.

Visit Sintra, the city of fairy tales : how to go, what to do, what to see, where to eat and sleep in Sintra and around in 2019

Visit Sintra, the city of fairy tales : how to go, what to do, what to see, where to eat and sleep in Sintra and around in 2019

How to claim to have discovered Portugal and Lisbon without having visited Sintra? Indeed, Sintra is perhaps the most impressive city of Portugal. Located less than an hour from Lisbon, this city and its surroundings will surprise many. Between medieval castle, royal palace and mysterious park, Sintra can be visited and discovered throughout the year. Each visitor will have the impression of entering a fairy tale and the different palaces and mansions hidden in the forest of Sintra will make this visit a moment for sure unforgettable. What to visit in Sintra in 2019? How to get there ? What to do in the city of castles and palaces ? What are the best activities in Sintra and its surroundings ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, introduces you to Sintra and its surroundings, the city of fairy tales.