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How to get a Codice Fiscale in Italy ? Complete guide for obtaining an Italian tax number

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When one decides to go live in Italy, there are some steps that are essential. Obtaining an Italian tax number, called Codice Fiscale, is one of them. This is a number that is assigned to every person living in Italy, expatriate or not, and allows the Italian tax authorities to identify any Italian or foreign citizen. This Italian Tax Code allows, among other things, to work, open a bank account or buy a house in Italy: it is therefore a vital step for any expat living in Italy. This unique and personal combination of numbers and letters can sometimes become complicated to obtain if one does not prepare for administrative procedures. What is an Italian codice fiscale and what is it for ? How to get a tax number in Italy ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Italy, tells you all about the Italian Codice Fiscale.

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What is an Italian Codice Fiscale?


The Codice Fiscale is the Italian national identification number for taxes purposes. It is a unique and personal combination of letters and numbers that identifies any Italian or foreign citizen permanently. The Italian tax office provides a card with the tax number on it.


Example of Italian Codice Fiscale (Tax Code) :

This is an example of Codice Fiscale (tax number) in Italy

The Codice Fiscale (Italian tax number) is issued directly by the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Tax Agency). However, since it can be calculated from personal information (full name, date and place of birth), it is not considered private or confidential, nor is it recognized as official proof of identity. In addition, it does not contain an image of the holder (unlike any other valid ID).

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What can I do with my Italian Codice Fiscale ?


Having an Italian tax number does not mean that you have to pay taxes as such, but this tax code is necessary in order to :

  • Register with the Italian National Health Service (SSN - Servizio Sanitario Nazionale);

  • Open a bank account ;

  • Collect a payment;

  • Receive a tax refund;

  • Rent or purchase a house;

  • Or even just buy a SIM card / mobile phone.


The codice fiscale can be used either by showing the card or by directly typing the alphanumeric number located on the front of the card in the payment terminal.

This is the entrance of one of Agenzia Delle Entrate (tax office) where you need to go in order to get Italian tax number (Codice Fiscale)

How to obtain a tax code in Italy?


There are two ways to obtain your Codice Fiscale (Italian tax number).

Before your departure

It is strongly advised to ask for your Codice Fiscale before leaving for Italy. Indeed, having it makes it possible to find housing and a job more quickly. Many expatriates have waited to have a job offer or a conclusive apartment visit to start the process. Result: the job or the apartment of your dreams that passes under your nose.

In order to obtain the Italian Codice Fiscale you just have to fill in the registration form, in less than 2 minutes. My team will process your request and you will get your tax code in less than a week, entirely remotely! No travel, time and money saved.

Of course, this Codice Fiscale is valid in Italy. You can click on the banner above to request your Italian tax number online.


In Italy

You can also choose to request the tax code once you are in Italy, but it’s clearly not the best solution. You will need a lot of patience and a valid ID (either your passport or an ID card issued by the municipality of residence). If your passport is lost or stolen, you can ask your local embassy to issue you an emergency passport. Alternatively, you can show your valid residence permit or the notice of receipt of the residence permit application.

In order to obtain a tax code in Italy it is necessary to present:

  • ID ;

  • Form AA4 / 8 completed and signed ;

  • Photocopy of identity document ;

Form AA4 / 8 can be found and printed directly on the Agenzia delle Entrate website (the form and instructions are in English) or by clicking here.

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If you do not have a printer, you can send the pdf file by e-mail to one of the many "fotocopisteria" and let them print it for you. You can also find a copy at the office of Agenzia delle Entrate, but Lisbob advises you to prepare the form in advance. Then you must make a copy of your ID (some offices require it) and bring it all to the nearest office of Agenzia delle Entrate.


Here are the steps to follow to obtain an Italian Tax Code:

  • Print and complete form AA4 / 8 ;

  • Make a copy of your ID ;

  • Go to an Agenzia delle Entrate ;

  • Take a ticket ;

  • Receive your Codice Fiscale card at home.


You will receive the tax code plastic card later (within a few days or probably within a few weeks) only if you have not asked for an Italian health insurance card (Tessera Sanitaria) at the same time. If you have applied for an Italian Health Insurance Card, you will only receive this card. Rest assured : it will contain both your health insurance number and your Italian tax code.

In the end, if you decide to use the Codice Fiscale to register with the Italian National Health Service (SSN - Servizio Sanitario Nazionale), the Italian health insurance card (Tessera Sanitaria) replaces the tax code card. The Italian health insurance card (Tessera Sanitaria) will have the same validity as your residence permit, while the Italian Tax Number does not expire because it remains the same all your life. However, since the Italian health insurance card (Tessera Sanitaria) and the tax code are on the same card, you can still use it even if the Italian health insurance card expires.


If you are not yet an expatriate in Italy, you can apply for a tax code directly from your country of origin to any Italian consulate. If you enter the country with a work visa then you already have an Italian tax number. Indeed, this one is delivered with the visa, by the diplomatic representatives or the Italian consulates abroad.


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